When writing letters to the press you might find the following outline of use
Please feel free to use information from the following sections to plan your letter.
1. Not enough Dentists being trained so demand exceeds supply.
2. Despite warnings, Government failure to negotiate poor pay and conditions under
NHS contracts, so Dentists are leaving the NHS.
3. Better pay and less stress for Dentists in private practice.
4. Dentists leaving the profession and/or an ageing workforce taking early retirement.
5. EU Dentists leaving after Brexit and not returning.
4. A cumulative lack of investment in UK Dentistry.
Check your information
Please use the following links to find out more and check your facts:
Dentistry in England. National Audit Office 2020. https://www.nao.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Dentistry-in-England.pdf
British Dental Association. Unfit for purpose: Health Committee slams contract fuelling crisis in NHS dentistry. https://bda.org/news-centre/press-releases/Pages/Unfit-for-purpose-Health-Committee-slams-contract-fuelling-crisis-in-NHS-dentistry.aspx
FULL FACT: https://fullfact.org/search/?q=dentists#gsc.tab=0&gsc.q=dentists&gsc.page=1
Here are some facts about our democracy that you might want to use to explain how we got into this state
As a key health issue, the supply of Dentists is a responsibility of the Government.
Some Governments believe that market forces should decide the supply of Dentists.
The Government isn’t elected; it is selected by the PM. Ministers decide whether or not to act on the supply of Dentists.
Parliament is elected. One of its jobs is to hold the Government to account on behalf of the voters, regardless of party.
Party loyalty means that MP’s may not vote against the Government, even if the issue is not in their party manifesto.
An MP should stand up for the health concerns of their constituents in Parliament.
MP’s are aware of the lack of Dentists from official reports, the media, and their constituents.
A healthy democracy depends on communication with the voters but trust will be eroded if there is no meaningful response from politicians.
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